Prajay Patel Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Phone: (972) 721-5238


Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center, #239

Dr. Prajay Patel received his undergraduate education in Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of
Texas at Arlington. While an undergraduate, he had the opportunity to study computational chemistry, a
field at the intersection of chemistry, physics, math, and computer science. This experience along with
working as a tutor for the math and chemistry departments were the motivating factors to pursue graduate
studies after completing coursework in 2014. At the University of North Texas, he joined Professor
Angela K. Wilson’s team, and following a move to Michigan State University in 2016, he focused on the
development and application of effective quantum chemical strategies targeting high accuracy
thermochemistry and organometallic catalysis. Upon receiving his PhD in 2019, he did his postdoctoral
appointment with Dr. Cong Liu and Dr. Massimiliano Delferro at Argonne National Laboratory where he
worked on modeling X-ray absorption spectra of surface organometallic catalysts with data science
His research interests at UD include incorporating machine learning and data science approaches into
chemistry to predict chemical relationships and dynamics pertaining to catalysis, software development
for chemical data analysis, and collaborative efforts both within and external to UD.
Dr. Patel joined the faculty in August 2022 and primarily teaches the physical chemistry sequence and the
Basic Ideas in Forensic Chemistry course. Special topic courses that he would develop and teach include
computational chemistry and Python for Scientific Data Visualization.